Beyond The Veil

Exploring the mystical, unseen world through captivating and profound paintings.


“The Most Beautiful Thing We Can Experience Is The Mysterious. It Is the Source Of All True Art And Science.” 

– Albert Einstein

“In my language, the word for miracle, zázrak”, describes something that lies beyond the visible world, out of sight. It is the essence that, for millennia, we have tried to ever so gingerly explore through the one and only project, which is simply called art and which has managed to retain its deep shamanic meaning. If we let ourselves be carried away and pass through one André Martinez Reed’s portals, we find ourselves in a remarkable rainbow world somewhere between reality and abstraction, a world familiar enough for us to consider our own but also mysterious enough to entice us and draw us into its own unique order.”
Igor Malijevsky´


"The Portal Series-Paintings-Andre Martinez-Reed"


The Garden - Free Jazz & The Stroke Exploration Series